Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Secret Study Hacks

17 Unexpected Studying Hacks

Studying doesn't have to be hard. In fact, there are plenty of simple methods that exist which simplify the entire process.

Studying doesn't have to be hard. In fact, there are plenty of simple methods that exist that simplify the entire process.

It's true: not all methods work for every person, but, with a little bit of trial-and-error, you can find the methods that work for you and stick with them like your life depends on it. Or, at least, like your grades do. While nothing replaces good old fashioned hard work, every little bit helps when it comes to increasing your efficiency in college (because we know it can be overwhelming at times).

The following study hacks make student life simpler by helping to increase productivity levels, boost focus, help concentration and eliminate distractions.

Chew gum.

The act of chewing gum is actually a brain booster. And, since there aren’t severe side effects (like there can be with caffeine) chomping on your favorite flavor is a great study aid.

Why? Scientists aren’t exactly certain why chewing gum helps you focus, but they think it’s based on the act of chewing waking us up and keeping us focused.

The only down side is that it doesn’t last. It will help, but for shorter periods of time, so save this hack for the harder parts of your material.

Control your focus.

Sometimes, you’re your own worst enemy. You can literally block yourself from getting distracted by websites, email or anything else computer-related with the apps like, SelfControl (for Mac), Cold Turkey (for PC). There are also similar options for Android users.

Download study apps.

You’re probably aware that there are more student apps than you could ever need or want – choose one or two that suit your study needs and utilize them.

If you feel they aren’t working for you, try out a different type.


Yep, you read that correctly - we made a list that included one of the basic human needs on it. Because we know that some students need to be reminded to eat. Eat healthy, nutritious (and, hopefully, delicious) meals. This is kind of a given seeing as your brain needs food to function.

Search online.

Search outside study resources via the web. Google your subject – there are often great resources from other colleges that may have practice quizzes, for example. If you enter “site:edu [your subject] exam” into Google, you will be able to access exams at different colleges with questions pertaining to your subject for study practice.

Or, YouTube may have someone explaining topics you’re studying in layman’s terms. There are endless channels offering free tutorials, like CrashCourse, Khan Academy, Brightstorm, Bozeman Science - just to name a few.

A quick search will likely lead you to a wealth of resources!

Jazz up your notes.

Add visual prompts and colors to your notes to help you recall important details, both of which can aid in your memory recall.

This idea stems from mind mapping concepts, which are basically thought diagrams, said to be much more effective in terms of learning than text-based notes.

There are even mind mapping programs for those interested (but creativity, pens and paper, work just fine, too!

Memory aids.

Try using different memory aids like notecards, etc. These aids come in handy for memorization techniques. You may find it helpful to repetitively quiz yourself on the key aspects, facts or data you’re trying to memorize.

Mnemonic Devices.

Circa grade and middle school, you’ll likely recall learning the order of operations through mnemonic devices, (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally), the planets (My Very Earnest Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles), the great lakes (HOMES) and so on.

If you didn’t learn those exact variations, it was probably something similar.

The point is, there’s nothing stopping you from creating your own to help you remember the material for your advanced chemistry test.

You can easily remember key concepts, sequences and whatever else you need to learn by creating your very own relatable story. Come up with something you know you can remember and stick with it. It will actually help!

Organize your materials, categorizing them by subject or chapter.

This will help you sort the material by subject matter, visualizing which aspects go together.

Believe it or not, it actually helps you understand the scope of the topics you’re learning and categorizing them allows you to see how everything fits together as a whole.

Rewrite your notes by hand.

Go old school and rewrite your notes by hand. Studies show that when you take the time to rewrite them by hand, you actually learn more effectively than when using your computer, tablet or laptop.

Listen to music.

Choosing the right type of music to listen to while studying can enhance your productivity, motivation and focus levels.

Certain genres of music are actually recommended for studying – known as “music for the mind.”

Study music should enhance concentration, focus and allow you to work for longer periods. It should never be counterproductive or distracting – no matter what genre you decide on.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
