Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Life Hacks for Older People

Life Hacks for Older People

1, Paint a dot on your keys with nail varnish to help you remember which one is for which door – red for front, blue for garage etc. Instead of trying 10 different keys to get into the house, you will know exactly which one to use.

2, Use a chair whenever you can! Add a chair with sturdy armrests to your bathroom so that you can brush your teeth and wash your face comfortably with no risk of losing balance. You could also add a tall stool with arms to your kitchen so that you can stay seated whilst washing up or prepping dinner.

3, Get rid of your rugs. They are a huge trip risk for older people. Alternatively, secure them to the floor with double sided tape.

4, Wearing a pair of rubber gloves will make opening tough jars a lot easier.

5, If you have a phone or iPad, set up calendar reminders so that your never forget to take your medicine or make that important phone call. If not, you could use an ordinary phone or alarm clock and simply set an alarm. to remind you.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
