Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Best Life Hacks Of All Time That Will Make Your Life Easier

Now these are clever!

You live and you learn, and you can find some pretty amazing things out along the way. However, there are still plenty of hacks for making life easier that you haven’t discovered, just yet.

This list will have you saying, “Where have these been all of my life?” Because yes, they’re just that good. From easily cleaning your keyboard to applying eye liner, these tricks of the trade will make your life so much better.

So, stop missing out on these genius ways of making things simpler, and start living your best life today!

1. Chill Wine With Frozen Grapes


If you want your wine chilled, but don’t want to dilute the flavor, try sticking some frozen grapes in your glass instead of ice cubes.

2. Wine Ice Cubes


Cooking with wine is about to get so much easier. Simply reach into your freezer and defrost just the right amount of wine to make a killer pasta sauce.

3. Pen Spring Protection


Adding a pen spring around your cords will keep the ends from fraying. Just what you need to protect all of those phone and laptop cords!

4. Post-It Note On A Keyboard


Running the sticky part of a Post-It note along your keyboard will help remove bits of food, pieces of grime, etc.

5. Rubber Band Around A Paint Can


Remove excess paint from your brush by placing a rubber band around the open paint can. Just genius!
