Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford may be hinting at a new Borderlands game

Borderlands 3

Pitchford said on Twitter that Gearbox is looking for help "working on the big one."

There is no question that we will, someday, get a new Borderlands game. The videogame industry is borne on the wings of sequels, after all, and Borderlands 3 was a major success. But it's starting to look like it might arrive sooner than expected.

The wheels started turning on Gamereactor, which recently said that a new Borderlands game "is much closer than you think." Interestingly, the site said that the game won't be a numbered sequel, but a spinoff of some sort. No evidence was provided to back the claim, but it gained a little more plausibility when VentureBeat reporter Jeff Grubb weighed in.

"Gearbox I believe is going to have that spinoff of Borderlands that is rumored," he said in a stream. "They might not necessarily be developing, but I think they're involved with those games, always. They own part of the IP, along with Take-Two, so it would make sense to me. I haven't confirmed that game for sure, but I saw that Gamereactor story and I kind of heard about that too, and that sounds right."

That's where things get interesting, because Grubb's remark prompted Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford to get involved with a tweet that fell somewhere between a conspicuous non-denial and an outright tease and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
