Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Life Hacks Every Girl Should Know About

Well, some of these tips and tricks can be useful for guys too.

1. Break in your flats in under five minutes.

Step 1: Put on thick socks, and then your flats.

Step 2: Blow-dry your shoes around the tight sections for a few minutes.

Step 3: Keep your socks/flats on while it cools.

Step 4: Test them out; repeat process if you need them more stretched out.

2. Put clear nail polish on the inside of your rings.

Your fingers will be free from green stains.

3. Use a pumice stone to de-fuzz a sweater.

You might want to use a lint roller as well to make your sweaters neat and clean.

4. Hang your purses with shower curtain hooks.

5. Wear loose ponytails to avoid bald spots.

When you tie your hair too tight (and often), it strains the follicles and prevents hair growth. Try not to frequently tie your ponytail in the same spot.
