Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Foolproof Ways To Win An Argument With Your Girlfriend

Researchers Explain Why Men And Women Argue (And 5 Ways to Stop)

Gentlemen, have you ever wondered why you can never win an argument with a woman? It is not just because women are pro at it(or at least that’s what most people say), maybe it is also because you are doing something wrong or maybe you aren’t really doing something that you should be doing.  We will give you foolproof ways that will help you win a argument at least once in a lifetime with your girlfriend. This works even when your girlfriend resorts to crying as the last try.

Change the topic when things start heating up

As soon as you sense things getting all worse and heated up, just try changing the topic. But you have to do this very smoothly and smartly. You can not do this in the middle of an argument. Your only chance at this is before an argument crops up. You can talk about your work or something funny that you read or saw on social media.  This will divert her mind and she might just forget what she was about to argue with you. If you manage to pull this off, you have already won an argument( that never happened, but never mind).

Do not opt for tit for tat

She might be blaming you something that you did. If you are guilty, then just admit it. Do not resort to tit for tat or play blame games only because she is doing it. Be the matured one and talk it out to her. Once you do this, you will see how your girlfriend appreciates this and the argument is no longer there.

Learn to agree to disagree

Now chances are you do not agree to what your girlfriend is telling, but it is very important that you learn to agree to disagree. Just tell her that you do not agree to her but that does not really mean she is wrong. Being two different individuals and adults, both of you have different opinions and it is okay to disagree sometimes. If your girlfriend is logical, she will totally get this and guess what you have won the argument.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
