Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Wacky Facts About Greece That Will Surprise You

facts about Greece - Evil Eyes

If you have never been to the country are some facts about Greece that will definitely surprise you. Yes, you could use Google to learn many things about Greece. Or read a text book or tourist guidebook. But there is much more to this country than meets the (evil) eye. Here are ten wacky facts about Greece that you won’t learn in school or in a guidebook.

1. Greeks are superstitious Very superstitious

One superstition shared by all Greeks is the evil eye, or “Mati.” The belief is that someone can cast the evil eye onto another person out of envy and jealousy. Once you have the evil eye, you must find someone to perform a ceremony to destroy the evil energy!

2. Spitting is a good thing in Greece 

An interesting fact about Greece is that you will see old yiayia’s (grandmothers) spitting on their grandchildren all the time! Since time immemorial, Greeks have believed that spitting on someone is a way of combatting any form of evil energy or presence. It’s actually more like a ceremonial “FTOO, FTOO, FTOO”; just be aware!

3. Greeks steal plants from one another and admit to it

You probably won’t find in your Fodor’s guidebook the fun fact that in Greece many people believe that plants and flowers will only root if they are stolen! They will actually tell you to come back later to steal from them if you would like some cuttings from their plants (which are also from stolen cuttings).

4. Waving hello = BAD!

The common “palm facing out” gesture, known as the “moutza” in Greece, is a normal form of greeting for most people worldwide… but if you see Greeks doing this, they’re not waving hello, they are basically flipping you the bird! Greeks wave either with their palms to the side or facing them.

To be on the safe side, just greet people the good old-fashioned way in Greece — with a kiss on each cheek.

5. Greece is the world’s largest producer of sea sponges

When you think of Greece, you think of Feta cheese, ouzo, and many other typical items associated with the country and culture. But did you know that Greece is the world’s largest producer of sea sponges? The island of Kalymnos is famous for their beautiful natural sponges that people dive for and then sell. Next time you are using a natural sponge, think Greece!
