Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about


There was a cat who started in the Nazi navy in WWII, then became a ship's cat in the British Royal Navy, and survived three sinking ships during his naval service.

"Unsinkable Sam" was the nickname given to this cat, who was actually named Oscar. He started as a ship's cat aboard the Nazi ship Bismarck, which was sunk by the British ship HMS Cossack in 1941. The British crew found the cat floating on a board hours after the ship sank, took him aboard, and named him Oscar.

Later in the war, the Cossack sank after being hit by a torpedo, killing 159 crew members. Oscar survived again and was rescued along with the remaining crew, and given the nickname "Unsinkable Sam." His last service was aboard the HMS Ark Royal, an aircraft carrier that was ALSO torpedoed, this time by a Nazi U-boat. Oscar survived that attack as well, and afterward retired to Belfast, where he lived in a seaman's home. Oscar died in 1955, a full 14 years after the sinking of the Bismarck.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
