Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 


Strange Beard Facts That Will Bamboozle You

Beards are majestic. Well, probably not all of them, but to their proud owners, they always are. The fact that facial hair can have so much allure and mystique associated with it is strange in itself, not to mention the frenzy around it and the meteoric rise of the 'beard gang' phenomenon over the years. 

Here, we have compiled a list of 5 super weird facts about beards that will surely make you go 'WTF?' Read on!

1. Clean shaven men, as compared to bearded men, are three times more likely to carry harmful bacteria on their face. Next time your parents tell you to get rid of that dope beard, tell them it's doctor recommended.

2. Historically, beards have been regarded as the symbol of knowledge and wisdom. Rightfully so, we say, because look at the brightest minds such as Shakespeare, Socrates, Galileo, Plato, or Vincent Van Gogh - all of them had beards.

3. In the early '60s, the CIA came up with a conspiracy to tarnish Fidel Castro's public image by making his beard fall out chemically. (What?) They failed.

4. If you have pollen or dust allergies, start sporting a beard. It will help you. It has been proven, medically.

5. Abraham Lincoln was the first US President to have sported a beard. He grew it, because an 11-year-old girl wrote to him and advised him that he would look better with a beard because he has a thin face. Who knew 11-year-olds are that intelligent?

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
