Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Indonesia Independence Day 2021

Indonesia Independence Day 2021

On this day in 1945, Indonesian leaders declared that the group of over 17,000 South Asian islands comprised a sovereign nation. Guest artist Kathrin Honesta illustrated today's Doodle to celebrate Indonesia’s Independence Day, known formally in Indonesian as Hari Kemerdekaan and colloquially as Tujuhbelasan (“the Seventeenth”). 

As Indonesia is home to over 300 unique, ethnic and linguistic groups, its Independence Day celebrations reflect its multicultural identity while also promoting solidarity within local communities—the nation’s motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” means “Unity in Diversity.” Events include everything from traditional costume fashion shows, horse races to festivals centered around the decoration of bicycles. Although a great variety of celebrations can be observed on this holiday, displays of traditional Indonesian song and dance in annual carnival parades are ubiquitous across the archipelago. This year takes on a different meaning where communities are staying strong to protect each other and still celebrate their identity at home.

Each letter in the Doodle artwork depicts elements common to Independence Day festivities, beginning with the Sasando, a nine-stringed harp-like instrument made of bamboo and palm leaves native to Rote Island of East Nusa Tenggara. From left to right, the other instruments, objects, and people pictured include a Rebana, a tambourine-like instrument; a Hudoq mask from Kalimantan; a Pakarena fan dancer from Sulawesi; a Tifa, a percussion instrument from Maluku; and finally, a Gambus or lute from Sumatera. The batik patterns and masks are unique to the instruments and dance origins. 

Happy Independence Day and keep stronger together, Indonesia and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
