Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Looking after and caring for your puppy

Puppy looking at the camera siting on a mat

Once you have chosen your puppy, it is important for you to make plans for his transition to your home. This will help reduce any extra stress caused by his new surroundings and give him the best start in his new life. Here are some basic guidelines for you to follow.

Prepare for your new puppy

  • Decide on a name for your new puppy. This will be one of the first things he will learn.
  • Decide where your new puppy is going to sleep and have a suitable bed ready with a blanket or an old jumper. Many people choose to place the bed in the kitchen, where the floor is easy to clean and the area is free from draughts.
  • However, many puppies struggle to cope with separation from their mum and littermates, and are much happier sleeping with humans in their bedroom (in an indoor kennel if necessary) until they are older. They can be gradually moved onto the landing and/or downstairs if preferred.
  • Ensure you have all the necessary equipment such as a feeding bowl, a water bowl, newspaper, a couple of safe toys, suitable grooming equipment for the coat type, a lead, collar and name tag, and a supply of food he is used to (ask the breeder or Rehoming Centre beforehand).
  • Ensure the home environment is safe. 'Puppy proofing' is wise to avoid any unnecessary accidents. Remove anything that you would not wish to be chewed, particularly electrical flexes and also ensure that garden fencing and gates are secure.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
