Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Horrible People Who Did Surprisingly Good Things Once In Their Lives


Bad people are human beings too.

And when you are human, it is very difficult to be a bad person throughout your life. Because we are built with conscience and a will to be happy. And since one cannot be happy with everyone else sad around them, even bad people end up doing some good in their lives.

Let us take a look at one of the most horrible people in the world, who caused this world a lot of suffering, but for a blink in a lifetime, did some good too.

1. Iraq, under Saddam Hussein’s rule had free hospital visits

Saddam had a very shitty human rights record. He had committed genocide by killing thousands of innocents in the Kurdish province.

But he was a very big champion of education. Primary school enrollment was 100%, and he had started a literacy program in Iraq, aimed at making the whole population literate.

2. Napoleon made laws that were the basis of the best legislatures in the modern age

Granted that Napoleon was a ruthless dictator. Any dictator who is hell-bent on capturing territories is bound to cause suffering.

But Napoleon governed the conquered territories under strict laws that were based on equality. This Napoleonic code also forbade titles that are acquired at birth, which basically meant that your birth will not determine how good your life can be in the future.

3. Hirohito was a decent botanist who discovered many species of marine life

Hirohito was a douchebag. Japan was as bad as Nazi Germany back then and there are books upon books of the atrocities Japan committed during World War 2.

But Hirohito had a sane hobby. He was well educated in Botany and in the time he was not doing tyrannical things, he published several well-respected scientific articles in Botany journals.

4. Hitler started a public campaign to ban smoking completely

Hitler may have had it in for Jews, but turns out, he had the same problem about smoking too. He wanted it gone for the same reasons – the Aryan super race.

His ideology believed that smoking would corrupt the “pure” Aryan bodies the Germans possessed at the time.

Regardless of the intention, the campaign is an inspiration to most of the public anti-smoking campaigns of recent times.

5. Kim Jong Il wrote operas that are popular in china

It could be just plain fabrication, since it is coming out of North Korea, but Kim Jon Il composed operas that have been very popular in China.

He also has written a book on it called The Art Of Opera.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
