Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Horrible People Who Did Surprisingly Good Things Once In Their Lives


Bad people are human beings too.

And when you are human, it is very difficult to be a bad person throughout your life. Because we are built with conscience and a will to be happy. And since one cannot be happy with everyone else sad around them, even bad people end up doing some good in their lives.

Let us take a look at one of the most horrible people in the world, who caused this world a lot of suffering, but for a blink in a lifetime, did some good too.

1.Pol Pot was a good university professor

Pol Pot was responsible for almost 2 million deaths in Cambodia and Vietnam. But before he started a revolutionary war, he was a very soft-spoken professor in a university and was loved by everyone. He always spoke of kindness and until the very end did not regret what he did.

2. Stalin wrote poetry too

Stalin also committed genocide and had millions killed, just because their ideologies didn’t match his own. But he did write beautiful poetry, and since poetry is the food for the soul, it is optimistic to assume that he had a sliver of goodness in his heart.

3. Ivan The terrible helped struggling artists and poets and opened trade with other countries

The tales of Ivan the Terrible are indeed terrible. He, in his bouts of insanity and mental instability ordered massacres that killed thousands. But he did start trade routes with other countries and also helped the arts to grow in a monarchy too.

4. Libya, under Gaddafi’s rule, had free healthcare, free education, free housing, and no national debt

Libya was well-off under him back then, even though his human rights violations were gruesome. He also dramatically improved Libya’s literacy rates.

He also had a big crush on the former US Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice. When his personal belongings were confiscated, they found a whole scrapbook with pictures of her and lovey-dovey messages inside them. A true teenage crush.

5. Genghis Khan let his subjects follow any religion they wanted

Genghis Khan was ruthless in conquering nations, but was extremely open to all religion.

This was so well-known at the time that many historians believed Khan to be one of the most religiously open leaders in world history.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
