Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about


Ryan Reynolds Shares Recipe For A 'Vasectomy' Cocktail In Hilarious Ad

This Vasectomy cocktail recipe is a blend of Gin, Tonic, Cranberry Juice and a squeeze of Lemon Juice a refreshing twist on a G&T. The drink’s creator is American actor Ryan Reynolds who created it using his own Aviation Gin as a celebrator drink for Father’s Day.

Vasectomy Ingredients

  • 2 shots (50ml) x Gin
  • 1 shot (25ml) x Cranberry Juice
  • 3 shots (75ml) x Tonic
  • 1/2 shot (10ml) x Lemon Juice


  1. To make the Vasectomy Cocktail, get a tall or high ball glass and start by filling it with ice.
  2. Measure and pour in to the glass the Cranberry Juice, Tonic and then squeeze in some Lemon Juice.
  3. Finally measure and add in the Gin and then give the glass a good stir.
  4. Garnish with an Lemon segment.
  5. Then Sip & Enjoy!
And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
