Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

5 reasons the Canada lynx is such an amazing animal

Canadian Lynx | Felidae Conservation Fund

Usually, lynx steer clear of humans, but over the years we’ve been treated to videos of the elusive wild cats doing everything from fighting to hunting to relaxing outside a post office. While these encounters have taught us many things—namely that lynx do not respond positively to the call of “kitty kitty”—there’s still lots more to learn about the majestic lynx.

Here are 5 other facts you may not have known about this amazing animal:

1. The lynx is more than twice the size of a house cat

It ranges in size from five to 17 kilograms, which is smaller than its cousin, the Eurasian lynx.

2. Lynx have natural snowshoes for feet

Unlike cougars or other wild cats, lynx don’t sink into the snow. Their long, round feet have a big toe set at a wide angle, which helps to distribute their weight and allows them to stay on top of the snow. This makes it easier to hunt in deeper snow at higher altitudes.

3. The rare “blue lynx” is the result of a genetic mutation

Usually their fur ranges in colour from grey to reddish-brown.

4. Lynx hunt at night

Although they lack stamina and they’re not particularly fast, lynx have big eyes and superb hearing, making them well equipped for the task.

5. Their tufted ears help to enhance hearing

Their eyes are also strong and the wild cats can spot a mouse from 250 feet away.

and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
