Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Fascinating Fig Facts

The health benefits of figs - BBC Good Food

Here are 10 Fascinating Fig Facts to pique your interest:

  1. There are over 750 known Ficus species in the world, native all across the globe.
  2. Nearly every species of fig tree is pollinated by its own distinct species of fig wasp, each a fascinating example of co-evolution.
  3. Although the average female fig wasp is less than two millimetres long, she must often travel tens of kilometres in less than 48 hours to lay her eggs in another fig—a truly heroic journey!
  4. Fig trees are keystone species in many rainforests, producing fruit year round that are important food sources for thousands of animal species, from bats to monkeys to birds.
  5. Fig tree flowers are actually hidden inside the fruit, which led many early cultures to believe the plants to be flowerless.
  6. Figs have played prominent roles in every major modern religion, including Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism.
  7. Some fig species are trees, others are vines, shrubs, and even epiphytes.
  8. Female rhinoceros hornbills are sealed into the hollow trunks of trees to brood by their male partners, who also deliver them figs to eat through narrow crevices.
  9. Strangler figs grow their roots downward from the tops of their host trees, ultimately killing and replacing them.
  10. A banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis) can resemble a small forest thanks to the false trunks grown from its aerial prop roots. The largest one on record is growing in India and spans more than four acres.
And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
