Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Shocking facts about Ireland you probably didn’t know

53 Interesting Facts about Ireland (2021 Edition)

I don’t think that any Irish person ever gets bored of hearing shocking facts about Ireland.

Ireland is a fantastic country, full of amazing facts. For such a little country with a small population, Ireland has a massive amount of culture, history, and has had a huge impact on the world. There is so much to learn about Ireland, so here are fifty amazing facts about Ireland in no particular order.

1. More Irish people are living abroad than there are in Ireland. There are 80 million Irish people outside of Ireland and only around 6 million in Ireland.

2. The president of Ireland has very little power. The Taoiseach is the head of the government and controls all the power.

3. Ireland is known as the Emerald Isle because of how green it is.

4. Ireland has hundreds of accents, and each town in Ireland has its own unique flavour.

5. Roughly 2% of people in Ireland speak Irish daily.

6. St. Patrick was born in Wales, not in Ireland.

7. More Guinness is sold in Nigeria than it is in Ireland.

8. Croke Park in Dublin is the fourth biggest stadium in Europe.

9. Ireland ranks sixth worldwide in the average consumption of beer per person.

10. The submarine was invented in Ireland by John Philip Holland.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
