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Scarlett Johansson Facts You Need To Know

42 Voluptuous Facts About Scarlett Johansson

Is there no stopping Scarlett Johansson? Post this summer’s ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’, she’s got the new Coen brothers film ‘Hail, Caesar!’ coming up as well as Disney’s live action ‘Jungle Book’, another ‘Captain America’ film and ‘Ghost in the Shell’. Plus, she just had a baby… how does she fit it all in?

Off-screen, however, there is still lots we don’t know about her. For example, did you know Scarlett Johansson plays the kazoo? Because she does. More heart-stoppingly amazing ScarJo facts coming up. (Did you know she hates the nickname ScarJo? Because she does).

She was a child actress

Johansson has been an actress since the age of eight, when she appeared in a skit on the Conan O’Brien show in 1995 (she returned to Conan’s show almost exactly a decade later as a Golden Globe-nominated star). 

She’s also a director

Looks may fade but talent lasts, which is why Scarlett has begun a foray into moving behind the camera. Her first short film, ‘These Vagabond Shoes’ – starring Kevin Bacon as a man travelling the breadth of New York in search of the perfect hot dog – was shot as part of anthology ‘New York, I Love You’ but was unfortunately relegated to a DVD extra. However, Johansson will make her full directorial debut this year when she adapts Truman Capote’s first novel, Summer Crossing. She’s not one to do things by half, is she?

She likes her tattoos

Johansson loves her ink and has four tattoos (that we know of – let’s not imagine what else she might be hiding, or we’ll never get to the end of this article). Her most recent tattoo was a horseshoe design with the words ‘Lucky You’ which she had inked on her ribcage by artist Fuzi Uvtpk on a trip to Paris in 2012. That joins a small circular stamp of a sunset on her left arm, a charm bracelet design that hides the phrase ‘I Heart NY’ on her right wrist and an ankle tattoo of two interlinked circles with the letter ‘A’. Johansson claims all of her ink has special significance, which she’d rather not share. Fair enough.

She’s all about charity

Scarlett made the news after she starred in a Sodastream advertisement, which angered opponents who believed that her involvement with the Israeli-run company contravened with her work as an Oxfam ambassador. On this occasion, Johansson chose fizzy water over charity, but Scarlett has been a philanthropist as soon as her fame allowed it: she’s supported 27 charities including RED, Make Poverty History and Cancer Research UK, donated over 2,000 pairs of shoes to Soles4Souls and has provided aid work in Kenya and Rwanda. She even offered herself as a prize to a top bidder on eBay, who paid £20k to be her date to the premiere of ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’.

She likes her anonymity

“I dream that people stay far away from my private life,” Johansson says: it’s fair to say the star prefers the comfort of anonymity to life in the limelight. The press don’t always make that easy – in 2005 Scarlett crashed her Merc into a family car in a Disneyland parking lot trying to evade four paparazzi SUVs – but Johansson insists her private life stays private. However, that doesn’t stop her from enjoying the simple things in life, like going to the cinema: Johansson has admitted that she often dresses up as a man to go and see movies – even going so far as to wear a fake moustache and peeing in the men’s toilet.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
