Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

 Pasta Jokes That Will Make Your Kids Chortle-ini

Pasta Puns

Have your fill of some of our favourite pasta jokes, we cannelloni believe how good they are!

1) What is the scariest type of pasta sauce? Mushroom and ghost cheese!

2) Where does spaghetti go to dance? The meatball!

3) What kind of pasta can grant wishes? Fettugenie!

4) What would you get if you crossed pasta with a snake? Spaghetti wrapped around a fork!

5) What do you call sick pasta? Mac n’ sneeze!

6) Why couldn’t the man lift three tonnes of pasta? Because he wasn’t stroganoff!

7) How do you say goodbye to an Italian chef? Pasta la vista!

8) Do you know what the Ghostbusters catchphrase is in Italian? I’m not Alfredo no ghost!

9) What did the mummy pasta say to the baby pasta? It’s pasta your bedtime!

10) Why didn’t the ravioli get invited to hang out with the cool pasta? Because be was too square!

11) What kind of pasta do ghosts like to eat? Fettuccini afraido!

12) What’s the funniest kind of pasta? Chortle-ini!

13) Did you hear about the Italian chef who died? He pasta way!

14) What do you call a sad noodle? Upsetti spaghetti!

15) What did the spaghetti say to the penne when they were walking too slow? Go pasta!

16) Why wouldn’t the fettuccine go out for Halloween? Because it was too Alfredo!

17) What did the pasta say to the tomato? Don’t get saucy with me!

18) Why wouldn’t the family eat at the pasta restaurant? Because it cost a pretty penne!

19) What type of pasta clings to everything? Clinguine!

20) What type of pasta does the Pope eat? Holy macaroni!

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
