Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Amazing Facts About Jazz Legend Duke Ellington

1. His parents were pianists – Born in 1899, the legendary pianist actually grew up in a family of two experienced piano players – his parents James Edward Ellington and Daisy Ellington. Duke’s mother, Daisy, performed popular middle-class music of the era, known as parlor music, back in the late 19th century. His father, on the other hand, performed operatic arias.

2. How he got the nickname – Duke’s real name was Edward Kennedy Ellington, but the famous nickname came from his fine manners, often giving out the impression of a nobleman. The story goes that it was his mother who taught him about being respectful by surrounding him with kind and dignified women. It was his childhood friends that began calling him “Duke.”

3. He had another nickname besides ‘Duke’ – However, his eating habits got him a bit less of a flattering nickname. Although paying attention to his appearance, Ellington had his eating spree moments where he just couldn’t stop his insatiable appetite. So his sidemen began calling him “Dumpy.” But even when he had those periods of gained weight, he knew how to dress the right way and look good.

4. He used to sell peanuts at baseball games before he became famous – Back in his youth, Duke was really into baseball. Actually, he had more interest in this sport than piano back when he was in high school. But talking about baseball, he got his first job ever selling peanuts at Washington Senators games.

5. He always looked for ways to keep his music fresh and unique – One of the things that make one musician so great is their ability to innovate and remain unique, eventually building their signature style. For the Duke, this was of great importance. First with his piano playing – going into the famous stride style, and the inclusion of many unconventional elements, such as dissonant chords.

At the same time, as a bandleader, Duke Ellington went through many different eras of jazz, from the 20s and all the way to the 1970s. But no matter the era, his jazz band always remained at the very top of the scene, bringing fresh and innovative music to the lovers of the genre.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
