Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

John Walker, Jr

In 1967, U.S. Navy Communications Officer John Walker, Jr. sneaked into the Soviet embassy in Washington with a proposal to sell US secrets to the Russians. He offered the Soviets the settings for the KL-47 cipher machine to decode messages from the United States Navy.

His motivations were strictly financial, and in exchange for the sums he received, he gave the KGB, for 17 years, a lot of information: the positions of American nuclear submarines, the procedures that the United States would have followed in the case of launching nuclear missiles into the USSR. , the location of underwater microphones through which Americans detected Soviet submarines.

Moreover, KGB agents also learned of all the movements of Vietnamese troops from 1971–1973, and the precise plans for the airstrikes that the Americans were to carry out against North Vietnam.

According to Vitaly Yurchenko, a KGB defector, “this was the most important case in KGB history. I deciphered millions of your messages. If it was a war, we would have won it. “

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
