Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Funniest Seaweed Jokes and Puns

28 Hilarious Kelp Puns - Punstoppable 🛑


With what did the scuba-diver use to cut seaweed?

A sea-saw

How do fish get high?


Why do some fish always look high?

Because of all the seaweed.

Why are all the fish high?

Because of the seaweed.

 "I've found that I'd scream the exact same way If a piece of seaweed touches my leg or if a shark were trying to bite me."

- Kevin James

How do fish party?


Why are oceans called "The High Seas"?

Because of all the seaweed!


What do you call it when you do papercrafts with seaweed?


And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
