Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

5 Fun and Interesting Facts About the Harmonica you Might not Know

Despite having a simple exterior, the harmonica is one of the most identifiable instruments of our time. The harmonica is a free-reed instrument that uses air pressure to generate sound. It creates an area of low pressure over one side of the reed and bends it to the side. The frame prevents the airflow from going through the other side and increases the pressure returning the reed to its previous position. 

In this post, we’ll be discussing 5 interesting facts about the harmonica learning more about its history.

1. The Harmonica Originally had a Different Name

In 1821, 16-year old Chrisitian Buschmann invented and patented the first harmonica.

This harmonica had 21 blow holes. But, he originally gave it a different name.

The musical instrument was originally called “Mundaeoline” or “Aura.”

In later years, Buschmann’s Mundaeoline was modified by Joseph Richterto what we now know as the Harmonica. 

2. The Harmonica is One of the Most Popular Instruments World-Wide

Harmonicas are the best-selling instruments in the world, with the guitar coming in as a close second.

In the United States of America, approximately 3 million harmonicas were sold in 2019.

This makes up almost one-fifth of worldwide sales which makes the U.S. the country where the highest number of harmonicas are sold. 

3. The Harmonica has Many New Nicknames 

Most people are completely unfamiliar with the harmonica’s alternative names.

The harmonica is also known as a French harp, gob iron, tin sandwich mouth organ, blues harp, or just a harp.

When thinking of a harp, the first thing that comes to mind is the stringed instrument. So, why did the harmonica garner this name?

The most likely reason is the mechanism. The harmonica’s mechanism is extremely similar to that of a Jew’s harp.

This instrument consists of a single reed mounted on a simple frame.

The reed is plucked to create a note which echoes in the player’s mouth.

4. Many Historical Figures Played the Harmonica

There are many important historical figures that were harmonica players.

There are even some U.S. presidents that have some impressive harmonica skills. 

Abraham Lincoln, Calvin Coolidge, Ronald Reagan, and Jimmy Carter all played the harmonica.

Jimmy Carter actually went on stage with Willie Nelson and B.B. King at a concert to show off his skills on the harmonica. 

5. Many Mainstream Musicians Played the Harmonica

There are many famous musicians who play the harmonica and surprised their fans with their harmonica skills.

Some of these musicians include Alanis Morissette who features the harmonica in many of her songs like “Hand In My Pocket.”

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
