Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

MEN IN BLACK— Behind-the-Scenes Secrets

Agents Jay (played by Will Smith) and Kay (played by Tommy Lee Jones) point their large, futuristic guns toward their target while standing next to each other outside at night in their iconic black suits and ties in Men in Black (1997)

When Men in Black rolled into theatres in 1997, it changed the dynamic of science fiction movies and buddy-cop comedies forever. Quickly becoming a huge hit and securing its place as a cult classic among sci-fi fans, Men in Black produced a perfect blend of storytelling, humor, action and, of course, aliens. With the original MIB movie having been released 22 years ago (yes... 22 years ago) and with the latest installment of Men in Black: International hitting Regal just this year, we decided to dig up some more behind-the-scenes secrets about the classic MIB movies! 

So come with us on a trip across space as we look at 5 out-of-this-world facts about the old and new Men in Black movies!

1. The Original Men in Black is the highest-grossing buddy comedy of all time

Playing in theatres for a staggering 21 weeks, and raking in $250 million domestically (and nearly $590 million worldwide), Men in Black still remains the highest-grossing buddy action/comedy in history! 

2. Clint Eastwood was almost Agent K

The chemistry between the two leads of MIB would be pertinent to the success of the movie. With Jay taking on the comedic role, Kay needed to be the straightest of straight men possible. Naturally, the studio leaned toward Eastwood, an actor known for his dry seriousness in his characters. However, director Barry Sonnenfeld felt that Tommy Lee Jones would be more intimidating.  

3. David Schwimmer was almost Agent J

Before Will Smith took up the mantle of Agent J, the studio offered David Schwimmer the role, but ultimately, he turned it down. This may have been a huge loss for him, but at least we got the effortlessly cool Smith out of the deal.

4. There was an original subplot to Men In Black that was dropped

As far as light, sci-fi comedies go, Men in Black has a relatively complex plotline. If you paid very close attention, you may remember the brief dialogue about a battle between the Arquillians and the Baltians. No? That’s probably because the entire subplot of a massive war between these two alien races that would leave Earth’s existence hanging in the balance kind of distracted form the already busy plot. 

5. Linda Fiorentino “won” her role in MIB in a game of poker

Linda Fiorentino was a hidden Hollywood gem in the 90’s. Not gaining much recognition until her role in The Last Seduction (1994), she wasn’t originally considered for the part of Dr. Laurel Weaver. Fate would have it that she would meet the MIB director at a poker tournament, and she shared that “by the end of it, I had the job, and I won the game.” 

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
