Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Facts about steam

steam engine | Definition, History, Impact, & Facts | Britannica

STEAM engine inventor Thomas Newcomen was born on February 24, 1664. Steamship inventor Robert Fulton died on February 24, 1815.

The steam that comes out of boiling kettles is actually made from droplets of water vapour The 'steam' that comes out of boiling kettles is actually made from droplets of water vapour 

1. Technically, steam is the invisible gaseous form of water. The ‘steam’ we think we see coming from a kettle is not steam but drops of water vapour.

2. About 90 per cent of all electricity is generated through the use of steam.

3. The first Disney cartoon with sound was Steamboat Willie, released on November 18, 1928.

4. The release date of Steamboat Willie is the reason November 18 is celebrated as the birthday of both Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

5. In 1864, the speed limit for a steam-driven car in the UK was 2mph.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
