Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Funniest Boston Jokes and Puns

Why do bartenders from Boston confiscate an intoxicated person's Khaki's at the end of the night?

So they can't drive home.


What's the difference between Hitler and the Boston marathon bomber?

The bomber actually stopped a race


Guy lands at Logan, hops a cab, and says to the driver, "Well now that i'm in Boston, where can I get scrod?" Cabbie says, "You know, I've heard that question a thousand times, but never in the pluperfect subjunctive."


Did you know that, during the first game of the 1936 baseball season, the Boston Braves managed to win while also badly injuring six players on the opposing team?

They were truly ruthless.


What do you call a Massachusite who cuts down trees?

A Boston lager.


While we still don't know the motivations or the thought process behind the Boston Bombings

I think it's safe to say that the perpetrators are racists.


What is the one thing the Boston Bombers and Hitler have in common?

They tried to end a race.


I used to think my drawings made me autistic...

it turns out my Grandma was just from Boston.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
