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3D printing facts

You may already use 3D printing but here are some great facts you may not know about 3D printing. Indeed, as a 3D printing service, we can see every day that people have misconceptions about this cutting-edge technology! That is why we made this article for you, about the incredible and diverse applications of additive manufacturing, showing you the full potential of this technology.

Are you ready to see what 3D printing can produce? Discover some amazing 3D printing facts and get inspired to give life to your own 3D printing projects! 

3D printing is older than you think

Additive manufacturing is often seen as a really new manufacturing technique. But this technology is actually not that new. We can say that 3D printing made kind of a buzz in the 2000s when the general public discovered FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology and nylon filament. But the birth of additive manufacturing is way older than that! First 3D printing experiments and patents appeared in the ’80s

3D printing is a French invention

Indeed, the creation of 3D printing kind of started in France. Jean-Claude André, Alain le Méhauté and Olivier de Witte registered the first patent for this game-changing technology in 1984, but everything didn’t go as expected, and we often credit the American Charles Hull for this innovation. To read the full story, check out our interview with Jean-Claude André, one of the 3D printing creators. 

There are numerous 3D printing techniques

People often associate 3D printing with FDM technology and desktop 3D printers, but there are actually various types of 3D printing processes. But that is not the only 3D printing technology. As you can see on our online 3D printing service, we are offering multiple technologies such as SLS (Selective Laser Sintering), HP Multi Jet Fusion, DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering), SLM (Selective Laser Melting), DLS (CLIP), etc. 

From plastic to metal and resin, there are different 3D printing processes and even more 3D printing materials available on the market. 

3D printing is not only a prototyping technique 

3D printing is mainly seen as a prototyping technique. And indeed, it is a very good way to make some rapid prototyping and create functional prototypes, but not only! Additive manufacturing is more and more used for production. Each year, we study the evolution of the uses of additive manufacturing by companies, with the biggest report of the additive manufacturing industry, the State of 3D Printing.

In this report we can notice that year after year, 3D printing is used for more and more different applications by companies. And we can clearly see that a growing 51% of respondents apply 3D Printing technologies for production. This technology is actually more and more used for production purposes!

3D printing materials are more numerous that what you think

We just told you about the numerous 3D printing techniques actually available in the industry. But the industry is also flourishing on the material side. If plastic, metal, and resin, are offering great opportunities. Researchers are developing new material, so this technology can answer all needs possible. 3D printed wood, ceramics or 3D printed meat. Yes, materials possibilities are endless. 

Additive manufacturing saves lives

3D printing is taking more and more space in the medical industry. This manufacturing technique is actually helping surgeons and doctors in their daily job. That is why we can say that 3D printing is helping to save lives on different levels.

Applications of additive manufacturing in the medical sector are numerous. 3D printing is making it possible to create perfectly adapted devices: from casts to prosthetics. But it also becomes possible to make implants, adapted tools for surgeons, and to print a 3D model to prepare a complex surgery. Indeed, it is becoming common in hospitals to 3D print models of kidneys or hearts and prepare some complex surgeries.

It is possible to print living tissues 

Here is an outstanding material that is now 3D printable: Living tissue, or organ parts. It is a kind of part of the new experiments made in the medical industry to save lives.

 3D Bioprinting allows creating various tissue structures, such as kidney tissue or skin tissue. Even blood vessels and bones are now becoming 3D printable using this technology. This is definitely offering new possibilities in terms of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

Another benefit of this great bioprinting technology to create living tissues: it is a great way for medical researchers to make laboratory tests. For example, instead of testing on animals, it is becoming possible to test directly on human tissue or organs as these prints have the exact same properties and reactions.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
