Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Facts about Disney Songs

Share these facts with friends and family and impress them with your epic Disney knowledge.

1. “You’ll Be in My Heart” from Tarzan was written in one night. 

Phil Collins, who wrote the song felt inspiration while he was playing piano at a Christmas party. If you’re not sure who he is ask a grown up – he is kind of a big deal!

To make sure he didn’t forget the tune he wrote everything down on a piece of wrapping paper. It was originally called “Lullaby” and was written with his daughter Lily in mind who you may know as Snow White in Mirror Mirror.

2. “Part of your world” from The Little Mermaid was nearly cut from the film.

We find it hard to believe there was any doubt over including “Part of your World” in The Little Mermaid – it’s a favourite here at Fun Kids!

During an early cut of the movie they tested the song on kids and they didn’t react well. Luckily they reconsidered and kept it in the movie!

3. Frozen’s “Love Is an Open Door” was the first time a princess sang a duet with the villain. 

Disney have never had a Princess duet with a villain with the exception of “Love Is an Open Door”.

Hans doesn’t appear to be a villain at first but it later turns out he isn’t a Prince Charming after all.

The song writers wanted it to “feel like the perfect first date” and were inspired by the date in The Karate Kid.

4. Beauty and the Beast was originally not intended to be a musical

Beauty and the Beast without the classic music is hard to imagine but once upon a time it was planned without any musical numbers at all.

The decision to make it a musical came after the success of The Little Mermaid which led to Disney’s chairman ordering it to be rewritten as a musical.

5. “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” was almost cut from The Lion King because it did not fit the film’s father-and-son theme.

The song was put back in the film after Elton John (who wrote the lyrics – another person grown ups will know) saw an early version of the film and said it needed to be in – and he was right!

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
