Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Interesting facts about prosthetics

  • A prosthetic, or prosthesis is an artificial limb that is made to replace a missing body part following an accident or disease.
  • Nearly 75 percent of amputations are caused by diabetes and cardiovascular complication.
  • The most common type of amputation is a below-knee amputation.
  • Most prosthetics are constructed with lightweight carbon fiber, aluminum and titanium components.
  • The average prosthetic lasts three to five years.
  • All prosthetics are custom-made to each individual patient, taking several factors into consideration, such as health, lifestyle, age and weight.
  • Most amputees wear a stump shrinker, which is a compression sock that keeps the limb from swelling when the prosthesis is not on their limb.
  • The "socket" is the custom-made carbon fiber cup in which the residual limb is seated into.
  • There are many ways to hold a prosthetic leg on the limb including suction, locking and elevated vacuum.
  • Most amputees wear a silicone gel liner that helps to cushion and protect the limb during walking.
  • The use of elevated vacuum systems in sockets helps in healing the limb, maintaining size and decreasing weight of the prosthesis.
  • The oldest known prosthetic was found in Cairo, Egypt in 2000. It was estimated that the wood and leather prosthetic toe was nearly 3,000 years old.
  • Phantom limb sensation is the feeling of the missing limb still being attached to the body.
  • Most patients begin the process of getting a prosthetic when the residual limb has fully healed following surgery.
  • In the U.S., it is estimated that one in every 200 people have suffered from limb loss.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
