Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Texas Jokes 

Q. What's the difference between a University of Houston sorority sister and a scarecrow? A. One lives in a field and is stuffed with hay. The other frightens birds and small animals. 

Q: What's the only thing that grows in Austin? A: The Crime Rate! 

Q: What's the only thing that grows in Arlington? A: The swelling from your head from getting jacked! 

Q: Why do University of Houston grads keep their diplomas on their dashboards? A: So they can park in handicap spaces. 

Q: What do you call a good looking girl on the University of Houston campus? A: A visitor. 

Q: Did you hear about the power outage at the Texas Tech University library? A: Thirty students were stuck on the escalator for three hours. Why was the delegation from the Dallas Dyslexic Republican Association turned away from the Republican National Convention? Their placard read: 'We love Taxes'. 

Q: Did you hear about the fire in University of Texas's football dorm that destroyed 20 books? A: The real tragedy was that 15 hadn't been colored yet. 

Q: What does the average Texas Tech University student get on his SAT? A: Drool. 

Q: Why couldn't the baby Jesus be born in Texas? A: Because they couldn't find 3 wise men or a virgin. 

Q: Why did Forrest Gump choose 'Bama over UT? A: He wanted an academic challenge! 

Q: Why are there so many unsolved murders in Texas? A: There are no dental records and everyone has the same DNA 

Q: How many Texas Tech freshman does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, it's a sophomore course. 

Q: What does a Red Raiders grad call a Longhorns grad in 5 years? A: Boss! I'm not saying Baylor basketball players are dumb, but the coach is dressing six players for this Saturdays game. The rest will dress themselves. 

Q: Why is "The Wave" banned in Jones AT&T Stadium? A: Two Red Raiders fans drowned last year. 

Q: Why did the Texas regents decide to cover Texas Memorial Stadium in cardboard? A: Because the Longhorns always look better on paper. 

Q: What happens when blondes move from Louisiana to Texas? A: Both states become smarter! 

Q: Why aren't UTEP cheerleaders allowed to do the splits? A: They stick to the ground. 

Q: Why do all the trees in Oklahoma lean south? A: Texas Sucks Q: What does a girl from Austin do if she's not in bed by 10pm? A: Go Home. 

Q: Why do Texas A&M Aggies basketball players use body heat activated deodorant? A: Because it's the closet they will come to getting a "Degree". 

Q: Why do Houston Cougars students have such beautiful noses? A: They're hand picked. 

Q: Why did Texas disband its water polo team? A: All the horses drowned. 

Q: What's the difference between a North Texas diploma and toilet paper? A: About $50,000 per sheet. 

Q: What does it say on the back of every North Texas diploma? A: Will Work For Food. 

Q: Why did the UTEP grad cross the road? A: Better question why is he out of jail? 

Q: How does a dumb blonde get into college? A: She applies to Texas El Paso. 

Q: Why did the Longhorns change their uniforms to Orange? A: So they can play the game, direct traffic, and pick up trash without changing. 

Q: What's the one thing that keeps Baylor Bears basketball players from graduating? A: Going to Class.

 Q: Why did the Longhorns football team cross the road? A: Because it was easier than crossing the goal line. 

Q: How is a Houston girl different from a bowling ball? A: Sometimes a bowling ball is hard to pick up. 

Q: What do Longhorns grads use for Birth Control? A: Their personalities. 

Q: How do you break a North Texas grads finger? A: Punch him in the nose.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
