Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Fried Baby Squid from Spain - Puntillitas Fritas Recipe

The Puntillitas Fritas or fried baby squid as they are called in English is a very popular food from Southern Spain.

Even though there is not a particular date of creation of this dish, it is believed that sailors from third-century A.C were the first ones to introduce different types of fried fish plates and since then they haven’t left the spotlight of Andalusian cuisine.

  • PREP TIME 15 minutes
  • COOK TIME 10 minutes
  • TOTAL TIME 25 minutes


  • 500g of Baby squid
  • Salt
  • 120g of corn or chickpea flour
  • 100g of regular (wheat) Flour
  • Extra virgin olive oil


Wash and clean the baby squid, then dry it completely and put a little bit of salt on them

In a large bowl mix the two types of flour* and cover the baby squid with that mixture 

In a deep and large pan heat the extra virgin olive oil 

Fry the squid on the hot oil until they get golden brown, then remove.

Put a little bit more of salt on top of them and serve as preferred!
