Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Random AF Facts About Of Your Favorite TV Shows

Chris Pratt was not supposed to be a series regular on Parks and Recreation.

1. Friends: There was a chance Jennifer Aniston wasn't going to get to play Rachel because of another pilot she was in, so while they shot the show's promo photos, she was asked to step out of a handful of them in case she didn't end up being in the show.

2. The Muppet Show: Most of the Muppets are left-handed. Why? Well, most puppeteers use their dominant (right) hand to work the puppet's mouth, which means they would use their left hand to move the puppet's left hand.

3. The Sopranos: Brett Wicks, who designed the logo for the show, originally thought The Sopranos was about singers, not mobsters. He felt it was important for the logo to "overcome any preconceptions that the name might imply," which probably explains the gun in the now iconic logo.

4. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: In the earlier episodes, Will Smith would learn the entire script, which means sometimes he can be seen mouthing other actor's lines.

5. The Office: Phyllis Smith, who plays Phyllis Vance, was initially an assistant casting director for the show. But producers loved her so much while she was reading lines with actors during their auditions that she was offered the role.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
