Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 


Barista: How do you take your coffee?

Me: Very, very seriously.

What do you call sad coffee?


What’s the best Beatles song?

Latte Be!

Spouse #1: Honey, this coffee tastes like dirt.

Spouse #2: That’s not surprising, dear, it was just ground this morning.

How does Moses make his coffee?

Hebrews it.

What did the coffee lover name her son?

Joe, obviously.

What did the caffeine addict name his cats?

Cream and Sugar.

How do you know if you’ve had enough coffee?

You channel surf faster without the remote.

How does the serial killer like his coffee?

How he likes his victims—all ground up.

How is divorce like espresso?

It’s expensive and bitter.

What do you call a cow who’s just given birth?


If the local coffee shop has awarded you “Employee of the Month” and you don’t even work there, you may be drinking too much coffee.

How did the hipster burn his tongue?

He drank his coffee before it was cool.

Where do birds go for coffee?

To the NESTcafe.

What did the coffee addict say to his doctor?

I don’t have a problem with coffee. I have a problem without it!

What’s it called when you steal someone’s coffee?


I drink so much coffee at work, I consider it part of my daily grind.

What’s the difference between coffee and your opinion?

I asked for coffee.

Why did the coffee file a police report?

Because it was mugged.

How does a tech guy drink coffee?

He installs Java!

What do you call it when cafe customers joke about their coffee?

A brewhaha.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
