Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Top 10 Facts About Noodles

Do you consider yourself a bit of a noodlehead? If so, how well do you know your noodles? We have a couple of facts which may or may not surprise you.

1. The first Noodle was made 4000 years ago in China

Made from millet, a type of cereal grain in China, the first noodle dates back all the way to 2000 B.C.

2. Noodles used to be a luxury item

Before it became a budget-friendly take-out option, noodles were once sold as a luxury item.

3. Japan invented instant ramen noodles

Although originated in China, the first instant ramen noodle was created in Japan and also the first kind of noodles to be consumed in space.

4. Noodles make one of the cheapest meals to eat

Did you know it would only cost you $140 per year if you ate ramen for every meal?

5. It’s polite to slurp your noodles in Japan

What’s considered poor etiquette in Western culture to eat or chew loudly, it’s considered an appreciation for your meal.

6. Noodles are considered good for health

Noodles are an excellent source of energy and are high in vitamins and minerals like iron, thiamin, niacin and riboflavin as well as containing low sodium content and low-fat content.

7. Pho is pronounced ‘fuh’ not ‘foh’

Contrary to its spelling, the Vietnamese beef noodle soup is pronounced ‘fuh’ as the dish was influenced by French colonies, and the name was derived from the French dish “pot-au-feu”.

8. There is a museum in Japan dedicated to Cup Noodles

In Yokohama, Japan, The Yokohama Cup Noodles Museum is an interactive museum dedicated to the world’s first instant ramen telling its origin story from humble beginnings to the mark of a global dietary movement.

9. April 4th is National Ramen Day

Not that you need an excuse to enjoy a hot bowl of ramen noodles, but there are many holidays in the year dedicated to enjoying noodles like Eat Your Noodles Day on March 11th, National Ramen Day on April 4th, and National Noodle Day on October 6th.

10. By federal law, a noodle must contain 5.5 percent egg solids to be called a noodle

Not sure if this one is true as noodles come in a variety of ingredients such as wheat, rice, buckwheat and more.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
