Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about


What do you call a Spaniard with a rubber toe?


What do you call a Spaniard with a lowered car?


Who is the Spanish patron saint of shoes?

San Dalia.

How does every Spanish joke start?

By looking over your shoulder.

The King of Spain has sequestered himself on his private jet until his Covid-19 results come back

The reign in Spain stays mainly on the plane.

What’s the difference between a smart Spaniard and a unicorn?

Nothing, they’re both fictional characters

Did you hear about the winner of the Spanish beauty contest?

Me neither.

I’ve finally worked out why Spain is so good at football.

Nobody expects the Spanish in position.

What do you get when you sit down in a field in Spain?


I do feel bad for my buddy in Spain, anytime I ask him “Has December been a good week for you so far?”

He says it was actually a mes.

In northern Spain, do they call it sun-bathing?

Or is it Basqueing?
