Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about

Goliath Tigerfish Facts: What You Need To Know

Looking to learn more about goliath tigerfish? You’re in the right place! Here, we’ll cover everything you want to know.

They have daggers for teeth. They can grow to the size of a small human. They can snap their prey in half with a single bite.

These are goliath tigerfish, a native species of Africa. They have a fierce appearance and an even fiercer reputation. They take a chunk out of the fishermen who try to catch them, and they’re surrounded by evil myths. The tigerfish is one of the most scary animals I’ve discovered.

Here, however, we deal in facts. We leave the legends at the door. If you want to learn some real-life goliath tigerfish facts, here are a few to get you started.

1. What does the goliath tigerfish look like?

The goliath tigerfish looks like a regular fish on steroids. It’s four times the size of a piranha, and it has a series of sharp, jagged fangs that stick out of its mouth. Its scales are white, yellow, brown and gray with a golden flush around the face.

The eyes are all pupil, so it looks like the goliath tigerfish is constantly alert and ready to attack. The dorsal fin is upright, which might give you shark vibes. Three smaller fins are found below the belly.

2. How big is a goliath tigerfish?

You’d expect a fish with the name “Goliath” to be huge, and you’d be right. The goliath tigerfish measures anywhere from 4-5 feet long when fully grown.

3. How much does a goliath tigerfish weigh?

The goliath tigerfish weighs between 90-100 pounds (41-45 kg) . It’s been suggested that females are smaller than males, but this is anecdotal data and not anything verified by researchers.

4. What’s the biggest Goliath tigerfish on record?

Are you ready for this? The largest documented catch for the goliath tigerfish was 4.9 feet long and 154 pounds (70 kg). That’s the size of a small adult! 😳

5. How did the goliath tigerfish get its name?

“Tigerfish” is a nickname given to several different species of African fish. They’re all vicious, sharp-toothed creatures, so the ferocious name is fitting.

“Goliath” refers to the giant from the story of David and Goliath.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
