Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Why Do Pilot Fish Swim With Sharks?


They are not the best of friends but co-exist with each other-the most dangerous predator at sea and a school of tiny fish tagging along wherever the predator swims. Let's find out why pilot fish swim with sharks in the same territory.

Why Do Pilot Fish Swim with Sharks?

They are not the best of friends but co-exist with each other-the most dangerous predator at sea and a school of tiny fish tagging along wherever the predator swims. Let’s find out why pilot fish swim with sharks in the same territory.

What a Bonding!

According to sailor legends, pilot fish follow the ship that has captured the shark they were swimming with for as long as six weeks!

The relation between the pilot fish and shark is symbolic and also a matter of curiosity. These two oceanic creatures have been an inspiration for many myths and legends. With a set of 300 teeth in the jaws at various stages of development no one can escape from the deadly bite of a shark. Scientists have reported that the great white shark is the hardest-biting creature alive with a bite rate of 1.8 tons that is 20 times greater than the human.

Isn’t it amazing that there’s only one sea creature that can get into the mouth of the shark without being its next meal-and it’s the pilot fish. Let us closely examine this school of fish for its peculiar behavior.

The Shark and its Territory

They are found all over the world in shallow and deeper ocean water depending on the type species.

The oceanic white tip Carcharhinus longimanus shark is mostly found in tropical and sub-tropical deep ocean waters and are slow swimmers; hence they are a perfect match for the pilot fish to swim along.

Sharks are found to be on the top of the food chain and their diet mostly consists of fish and sea-dwelling invertebrates such as squid. These predators hunt the weak and injured creatures to eliminate them from the Eco-system.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
