Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Fun facts about the Arctic Monkeys

1.When the band first started, they made up loads of stories as to why they decided to call themselves Arctic Monkeys, because they were always asked about it in interviews. In reality, guitarist Jamie Cook just always wanted to be in a band with that name.

2. In 2007, they collaborated with a couple other British artists under the name the Death Ramps and played a few secret shows. Some of their songs were released as Arctic Monkeys B-sides.

Richard Hawley and the Death Ramps - You and I (live@Olympia)

3.They were one of the first bands to make it big via MySpace. Fans shared their free music, which eventually led to a huge following before they even signed with a record label.

4.Their debut album was the fastest-selling album in U.K. chart history at the time. It's since been beaten by Leona Lewis and Susan Boyle.

5.The album art sparked some controversy. The front features a photo of a friend smoking; on the back is a pic of an ashtray filled with cigarette butts. The band refused to change the artwork,

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking


  1. Interesting! I hadn’t heard those facts before.


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