Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Fun Facts About Black Holes

What exactly is a black hole? Put simply, a black hole is a spot in the universe where there is a large gravity pull. Now, here are 5 fun facts about black holes!

1. You Can’t Directly See a Black Hole.

A black hole is called a black hole because of it’s color, especially since light can’t escape. What we can see, though, is the effects of a black hole. Analyzing the surrounding area of a black hole, we can see its effects upon its environment. For example, a star that’s close enough to a black hole can be seen being ripped apart.

2. Our Milky Way Probably Has a Black Hole.

But, don’t be alarmed, Earth isn’t in danger! The major black hole that astronomists believe to be within our Milky Way is light years away from Earth.

3. Dying Stars Lead to Stellar Black Holes.

The death of large stars lead to black holes, because a star’s gravity will overwhelm the star’s natural pressure that it maintains to keep its shape. When the pressure from the nuclear reactions collapses, gravity overwhelms and collapses the star’s core, and the star’s other layers are thrown off into space, and this process is also known as a supernova. The remainder of the core collapses, a spot overcome by density and without volume – a black hole.

4. There are Three Categories of Black Holes.

1) Primordial Black holes – These are the smallest of black holes and range from an atom’s size to a mountain’s mass.

2) Stellar Black Holes – These are the most common of black holes and they can be up to 20 times more massive than the Sun. There are also a variety of these all over the Milky Way.

3) Supermassive Black Holes – These are the largest of black holes, being more than 1 million times more massive than the Sun.

5. Black Holes Are Funky.

Say someone falls into a black hole and there’s an observer that witnesses this. The person who fell into the black hole’s time slows down, relative to the person watching. This is explained by Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, which states that time is affected by how fast you are going when you’re at extreme speeds close to light.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
