Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

“The Most Dangerous Snake in the Americas”

Camouflage helps these snakes hide from potential prey as well as potential predators, but it also hides them from barefoot people out for a walk. Unlike some snakes, this pit viper minds being stepped on, and while it may start to move away from the offending foot, it might just as easily change its mind and bite. Still, like all snakes, fer-de-lance snakes are fascinating beasts. 

Fer-de-Lance Amazing Facts

1. The meaning of the name fer-de-lance is “spear head” in French.

2. Most fer-de-lance snakes are diurnal, and they can climb trees in pursuit of prey.

3. Some scientists give the name fer-de-lance only to Bothrops lanceolatus, also called the Martinican pit viper or the Martinique lancehead. Others also give the name to B. atrox and B. asper, while other people classify most or all snakes in the Bothrops genus as fer-de-lances.

4. The fer-de-lance is a crotaline, or pit viper. Like the great majority of pit vipers, eggs develop inside the mother. The eggshells aren’t hard and break inside her when the baby snakes are ready to be born.

5. A fer-de-lance is found on Martinique’s “snake flag,” the drapeau aux serpents.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
