Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Interesting Facts to Know About Hippos

1. Hippos are the third largest mammals on Earth 

Native to Africa, hippos are the third largest land mammals. Elephants and White Rhinos are the two largest land mammals. 

2. There are two species of hippopotamids 

The most widely-known species of hippopotamus is the common hippopotamus, or Hippopotamus amphibius. These hippos can measure 6 to 16 feet long. The pygmy hippo, or Choeropsis liberiensis, a smaller species of hippopotamus, is an average 5 feet long.

3. Hippos are strong swimmers 

Hippos can hold their breath for an average of 5 minutes. That’s long enough to take walks along lakebed and riverbed floors. No wonder their nickname is the “river horse”! 

4. Hippos are a threatened animal 

According to the IUCN Red List, hippos are classified as “threatened” due to human activity impacting their environment.  

5. Hippos are herbivores 

Hippos are herbivores, meaning they fuel their bodies with plants! Hippos eat, on average, 80 pounds of grass each night.    

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
