Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

5 facts you may not have known about Swiss cheese

The ultimate symbol of Swissness, cheese is a venerated commodity in Switzerland. The Local looks at the facts behind the Swiss cheese industry.

1. According to industry figures, in 2016 some 186,756 tons of cheese was eaten in Switzerland, that’s just over 22kg per person, 560g more than the previous year.


2. While the Swiss are undoubtedly big cheese fans, they don’t eat as much as some other countries, including Germany, Cyprus, Iceland, Denmark and Finland who all surpass Switzerland for per capita cheese consumption. Unsurprisingly, the French are world cheese-eating champions, munching through 26.8kg per person every year according to 2015 figures.


3. There are more than 450 varieties of Swiss cheese, and nearly half the milk produced in Switzerland is turned into cheese.


4. The top-produced variety of Swiss cheese is Le Gruyère, of which more than 28,500 tons was produced in 2015. Perhaps surprisingly, mozzarella is second, followed by Emmentaler, séré (the Swiss-French word for fromage frais) and Raclette.


5. The Swiss favour homegrown cheeses by far, however 31 percent of cheese consumed in the country in 2016 was imported. That's up from 23 percent ten years ago, partly because of the strong franc. Italian cheese is the most popular import, followed by French and German cheeses.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
