Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Surprising facts about Mexico

What comes to your mind first when you think about Mexican culture? Mariachis, tequila, tacos, breathtaking beaches and cactus? These are all legitimate associations – but Mexico’s natural and cultural diversity includes much more than that. The 10 surprising facts about Mexico described below will show some other aspects about the country that you were surely unaware of.

1. Mexico is home to the world’s largest pyramid.

Not Egypt, but Mexico – The pyramid of Cholula in the Mexican Federal State Puebla happens to be the largest pyramid in the world. Featuring a height of 66 meters, 400-meter base and a total volume of 4.5 million cubic meters the pyramid is significantly larger than the pyramid of Giza, even though it is less popular. Despite its impressive size, it can literally be overlooked, the reason being: The pyramid of Cholula is hidden under a mountain. The eye- catching construction is in fact the church built by the Spaniard conquerors on top of the pyramid.

2. 69 different languages are spoken in Mexico.

This makes Mexico one of the countries with the richest linguistic diversity in the world. In addition to Spanish, there are 68 indigenous languages that include náhuatl, mixteco and otomí, amongst others. No other country in the American continent has a comparable diversity of indigenous languages as Mexico. Just as Spanish, the indigenous languages are recognized as national languages.

3. Mexico City is the second city of the world with the largest number of museums.

From the Metropolitan Cathedral to the Bellas Artes [Fine Arts] Museum and the remains of the Aztec constructions, Mexico is undoubtedly a country that has a lot to offer in terms of culture. With a remarkable number of museums, over 170 museums may be visited in this megalopolis. This makes it the second largest city in the world in terms of museums. It is only overtaken by London with nearly surpassed by London with 200 museums.

4. Mexico is the country with the largest number of taxi cabs in the world.

60,000 registered taxis ride Mexican streets, and most can be found in the Capital City. Besides, taxi fares in Mexico are cheaper than in almost any other country in the world.

5. Mexico is a big time Coca-Cola consumer.

163 liters per individual annually – this consumption rate is not seen in any other country in the world. It comes as no surprise that such abuse in Coca-Cola consumption can also be seen in people’s health for diabetes and overweight are above average in Mexico. Other factors are lack of exercise and excessive consumption of junk food. Punitive taxes to foodstuff with high fat or sugar contents were introduced in 2013 as a countermeasure to general health problems.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
