Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Tibetan Mastiffs

Tibetan Mastiffs are the largest dog breed on the planet. Unsurprisingly, with great size comes great responsibility and this lot make for impressive guard dogs. They are fiercely protective of their family and yet very independent.

Despite their guarding instinct, they are very patient and devoted, and love a good cuddle. Despite their loyalty, they’re famous for never coming to you when you call them!

Here are 9 more fascinating facts about this magnificent breed:

1. Well you already knew this but Tibetan Mastiffs are one of the largest breeds on the planet!

2. The heaviest Tibetan Mastiff weighed in at over a staggering 20 stone!

3. Instead of shedding all year round, they actually ‘blow’ their coat once a year!

4. Tibetan Mastiffs can live for up to 14 years and have fewer genetic health problems than many breeds.

5. Tibetan Mastiff females only ovulate once a year!

6. In Tibet, they are called “Do-Khyi”(Tied Dog) as they are traditionally kept chained to gates and let loose at night…

7. Tibetans believe they have the souls of monks and nuns who were not reincarnated into people or into Shambhala (heaven).

8. They are extremely strong-willed and stubborn!

9. And finally, they might be bears in disguise…

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
