Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

A hensemble of hilarious chicken jokes

1. What do chickens tell scary stories about?

The Poultrygeist.

2. What do chickens grow on? 


3. What sound does a negative rooster make?

Cock a doodle don’t.

4. Why did everyone laugh at the chicken?

She was a real comedihen.

5. What do chickens dance to?

Henhouse music.

6. Why did the chickens try and escape?

They felt cooped up.

7. What do you call a bird that’s afraid to fly?


8. How do chickens feel when you remove their feathers?

Plucking terrible.

9. What do you call it when a hen takes a rooster’s place in the morning? 

Alarm clucks.

10. What do sick chickens get?


11. What do you get if you cross an elephant and a chicken? 

A peckyderm.

12. Why don’t chickens like people?

They beat eggs.

13. Which US state has the most chickens?


14. Which US state do chickens avoid?


15. What do chickens fear the most?

The Apeckalypse.

16. Why did the young rooster act like his dad?

Like feather, like son.

17. What do poetic chickens enjoy? 

Spoken word poultry.

18. Why are some chickens treated better than others?

Because of the pecking order.

19. Why do people pinch their nose when walking past the chicken coop?

Because of the fowl odor.


20. How do you get a chicken to read your blog? 


21. Why did the rooster never come home to his hen?

He was free range. 

22. Why couldn’t the chicken find her eggs?

Because she mislaid them. 

23. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a cement mixer?

A brick layer 

24. Why did the rooster go to KFC?

He wanted to see the chicken strip

25. What day of the week are chickens afraid of?


And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
