Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Fun Facts About Chili Pepper

Peppers, or members of the genus capsicum (Chili), come in all shapes, sizes, colors and difference scale of spiciness. Beside what we commonly known, let’s learn more fun fact about Chili Pepper!

Only Mammal Are Sensitive to The Spice of Chili Pepper

While capsaicin (辣椒素) may burn and irritate the flesh of mammals, birds are completely immune to its effects. Unexpectedly, birds are actually the largely responsible for helping wild peppers spread by eating them and excreting the seeds.

All Bell Peppers Are Actually from Same Plants

While these peppers definitely look different, all colors (Red, Green, Yellow) are actually all the same fruit in varying levels of maturity. The peppers start off Green, then turn Yellow, and finally Red (but some of the time the Orange or Yellow is the fully mature color). Green peppers taste more bitter than Red and Orange or Yellow Bell Pepper because they are lack of Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene than mature Bell Peppers. Therefore, Red and Orange or Yellow Bell Pepper have a much sweeter taste.

Bell Pepper Can Be in Purple Color

What? Purple Bell Pepper?! Red, green, Orange, and Yellow bell peppers regularly line the produce aisle, but do you know the mild, sweet pepper can also be purple? When harvested in the early stages of maturation—before developing any yellow, orange, or red spots, bell peppers can be a beautiful shade of Aubergine, with striking white or lime green interiors. Interesting!

Chili Peppers Have Lots of Vitamin C

Most people may think of Oranges as the best source of Vitamin C, but other than Oranges there are actually a lot option that can beat its supply. Chili peppers, for example, have about 107 mg of the Vitamin C compared to an Orange’s 69 mg.

Eat A Pepper When We Have A Stuffy Nose

This sounds like a challenge! In addition to making our tongue hurt, capsaicin can also help us to unblock our sinuses. While this is not a good fix if we are having trouble breathing when we are having stuffy nose. A spicy pepper can help open things up and relieve congestion. The peppers keep our mucous thin, and as a result, lower our chances of a sinus infection.

Cayenne Pepper Can Be Use for First Aid

This is a popular natural remedy, when applied topically, cayenne pepper can help stop bleeding. The cayenne can either be sprinkled on the injury directly or diluted in water and soaked into a bandage. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the powder helps equalize blood pressure, meaning less blood will pump out of the wound and it will clot faster. Some even believe that the pepper will help alleviate pain which is something that normal bandages can’t do.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
