Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Things to Know Before Visiting the Delta de l'Ebre, Catalonia

Located in the province of Tarragona in southern Catalonia, the Delta de l’Ebre is an impressive natural landmark which attracts thousands of nature-lovers each year. Where the Ebro River meets the Mediterranean Sea, the Delta de l’Ebre is home to a rich flora and fauna and offers plenty of fun activities for all ages.

It’s one of the largest wetlands in the Mediterranean

For those of us who can’t remember our geography classes, a wetland is a piece of land saturated with water such as marshes, mangroves and swamps like the Everglades in Florida. The Delta de l’Ebre is the second largest wetland in the western Mediterranean, after the French Camargue, and covers some 320 square metres (3,440 square feet).

The Ebro Delta Natural Park is a national treasure

In 1993 the Spanish government declared a large part of the Delta de l’Ebre as a protected natural park owing to its incredibly rich flora and fauna. Some 7,802 hectares (19,300 acres) large, the natural park includes estuaries, marshes, dry lakes and beaches which make up the special landscape of the Delta de l’Ebre.

Over 300 species of bird pass through the Delta de l’Ebre

The Delta de l’Ebre is famous for being a major ornithological site – think bird-watching – and is home to numerous native species of bird. In addition to the 95 species which call the delta home, there are another 300 birds which pass through the Delta de l’Ebre each year as part of their migratory route.

The Delta de l’Ebre is just two hours away from Barcelona

Located some 200 kilometres (124 miles) south of Barcelona, the Delta de l’Ebre can easily be accessed in about two hours by car from the Catalan capital. Yet when you arrive you’ll feel transported to a far away land thanks to its other-worldly landscapes, exotic wildlife, and unique atmosphere.

Rice is grown in the Delta de l’Ebre

The particular features of the Delta de l’Ebre have lead to it being used to grow crops for centuries, in particular citrus fruits, vegetables and, most famous of all, rice. Delta de l’Ebre rice is considered a quality ingredient throughout this part of Spain and many famous local chefs serve Delta de l’Ebre rice in their restaurants.

Cycling is a great way to explore the Delta de l’Ebre

One of the fastest, easiest and most fun ways to explore the Delta de l’Ebre is on a bike. Thanks to its relatively flat terrain, you won’t need to use too much pedal power to explore the rice fields and coastal paths of the Delta de l’Ebre. Some companies also offer guided bike tours as well as bicycle rentals from €10 ($12) for a half a day.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking 
