Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

How to Move to Grenada: A Guide to Relocating and Living

Moving to another country requires thorough preparation since you’ll be changing your lifestyle and living in a different setting. If you were considering Grenada for relocating and living in the Caribbean region, you’ve come to the right place.

Grenada is known as the Spice Island of the Caribbean due to its beautiful beaches, stunning landscapes, and tranquility. It has become the favorite place for expats and retirees, and a reason. But is Grenada a good place to live? How can you relocate your entire life to a remote destination?

In this article, we will share some of the most common tips and advice on how to move to Grenada. And provide answers to the questions above.

Why Move to Grenada?

There are many reasons to move to Grenada, mostly due to the lifestyle, tax optimization, better living conditions, tropical weather conditions, and the list can go on… 

Grenada is one of the most beautiful countries in the Caribbean region with its majestic mountains, cascading waterfalls, green valleys, and breathtakingly beautiful sites.

Grenada is a secure and safe place to live in, so you can either obtain a visa or citizenship by investment and become a resident in the country. The Grenada citizenship by investment programme allows participants to invest a particular amount in real estate or government funds and obtain dual citizenship.

Grenada is part of the Commonwealth countries and enjoys the British benefits. If you want to take a glimpse and check the lifestyle in the country, you can spend 3 months in Grenada without a visa as a tourist.

Types of Residence Permits

As we mentioned earlier, you can become a Grenadian citizen by applying for citizenship via investment or obtaining permanent residency. You can obtain citizenship if you participate in the Citizenship by Investment Program and fully qualify for a passport by investing. The permanent residency applies to individuals who have lived for at least 2 years in Grenada.

Do You Need to Buy Property?

Setting up your home arrangement and securing a place to live is crucial if you want to relocate to Grenada. The country is a beautiful destination and one of the most popular for overseas investors who buy property, mainly in the southeast regions of the country.

The southern coast is famous for the nice areas, the affordable options for real estate, and the breathtaking views. If you are looking for tranquility, Grenada is the right choice for you!

Why do Citizens Move To Grenada?

There are many reasons to immigrate to Grenada and seek out residency as an expat. The tax regime in the country offers great benefits to business owners and investors, which means there is no tax on capital gains, wealth, gifts, inheritance, or foreign income.

Education in Grenada is mostly based on the British school system, so your kids will receive a quality education. You can consider transitioning your children to the Grenadian schooling system and acquiring various specialities.

Let’s not forget to mention the cost of living. Grenada is a pretty cheap country to live in, compared to the U.S and the U.K. However, due to the import costs, the electricity can sometimes be higher than usual.

There’s a lot to think of when moving to another country. Shortly, we’ll discuss some of the basics before you pack your bags and book a flight to this Caribbean island country:

  1. If you plan on moving to Grenada, you need to understand the visa requirements and take care of all paperwork;
  2. Figure out whether you are eligible to work in the country you’ll be moving in since you’ll need to make money and put bread on your table;
  3. Before moving to Grenada, create your budget because you might be asked to show proof of your savings account when obtaining the visa;
  4. Look for accommodation; while it can be tricky at the beginning, it’s easy to find housing in Grenada;
  5. Once you know where you’ll be living, you need to figure out your transportation methods, whether you’ll use a bus, a car or a bike;
  6. Lastly, you will need healthcare coverage or insurance – this will depend on the type of visa you are with
And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
