Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Cool But Random Facts About Seahorses

Seahorses are one of the most intriguing species of marine life. There are no other creatures like them on the planet, and people of all ages are amazed by how these animals look, behave, and move beneath the waves.

There are around 53 different individual species of seahorses in the world, and they all look different from one another, but they do share the same characteristics that make them seahorses after all.

1. Male Seahorses Take Care of the Offspring

The way seahorses reproduce is very different from how the vast majority of other species procreate. When they’re ready to mate, the female seahorse will deposit her eggs into the male’s pouch, which is found in his abdomen. She can leave up to 50 eggs there. It’s up to the male to carry those eggs until they’re ready to be born.

This allows the female’s body to begin producing more eggs right away, which ensures that she’ll be able to mate again sooner rather than later in order to keep the species alive. Once the babies hatch, they’re released from the male’s abdomen. They’re fully formed babies, and every mating can result in up to 1,500 seahorses.

2. They Don’t Look Like Fish, But They Are

Seahorses may not look anything like your typical fish, but they actually are classified as fish. Characteristics that make them fish include a swim bladder to control buoyancy, gills to breathe, and fins to propel them through the water.

Every seahorse has a fin on its back, which it uses to propel itself through the water. Pectoral fins located close to the back of the head are what the animal uses to actually steer itself in the right direction.

3. Seahorses Love to Eat

Seahorses really love to eat. They feed almost constantly on tiny fish and plankton. The reason that they have to keep eating all the time is because their digestive systems work so quickly. Food passes right through them, so they need to continue consuming in order to stay alive.

In fact, they can consume up to 3,000 brine shrimp in one day. Unlike other species, seahorses don’t have teeth or a stomach, so their digestive processes are very unique.

4. They Mate for Life

Seahorses find a companion that they’ll stay with for life. They’re monogamous creatures, meaning they only mate with one other seahorse for their entire lives. Their unique courtship includes dancing with one another, displaying a variety of colors, swimming alongside one another, and spinning around each other. This can last up to 8 hours.

5. Seahorses Take Advantage of Camouflage to Survive

These creatures are experts at hiding themselves amidst the coral reefs where they live. Some species can actually change the color of their bodies to blend in, while others are already built with the right color, shape, size, and texture to blend in perfectly with the corals.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
