Hello ladies and gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about 

Fun Facts About Lobsters

Everyone loves lobster. A little butter, a little candlelight, yum! But, have you ever wondered about the secret life of this tasty crustacean? Here are 10 fun facts you probably never knew about the lowly lobster.

  1. Lobsters were once considered the poor man’s chicken. In Colonial times, it was fed to pigs and goats and only eaten by paupers.
  2. Lobsters aren’t red. They turn red when cooked, but in nature they can be green or yellow or even bright blue.
  3. Lobster fishermen throw back lobsters that are too small and lobsters that are too big. The small ones need to grow, while the large ones add vigor to the gene pool.
  4. In Maine, a lobster’s body must be at least 3 1/4 inches to keep, and can’t be over 5 inches.
  5. When lobsters mate, the eggs aren’t fertilized right away. The female carries the male’s sperm and chooses when to fertilize her eggs.
  6. Lobsters shed their shells, or molt.
  7. A female lobster can only mate just after she has molted.
  8. Lobsters can swim forward and backward. When they’re alarmed, they scoot away in reverse by rapidly curling and uncurling their tails.
  9. Because its nervous system is similar to that of grasshoppers and ants, lobsters are sometimes called “bugs.”
  10. When food is scarce, lobsters can turn cannibal and dine on smaller lobsters.

And as always have a chilled day from the Viking
